If you connect directly using IP (I know some of our EU friends have had issues with DNS), then you will need to get the new IP after the update and update your bookmarks.For some, the outage may last up to 60 minutes depending on how quickly your region's DNS converges. There will be a brief outage during the change.We expect this move to be triggered tomorrow morning (Thursday Oct. Given the situation, Kid A and I have discussed moving our TS server to a new location with the same provider. The Datacenter we're in is not large and gets hit with frequent (sometimes daily) DDoS attacks that our provider has no capability to avoid. Kid A has been working with our TS provider all this time to try to resolve the issue, but we're now at a point that neither us nor the provider think it is a configuration or server issue. We know there has been frustrations with TS stability for months now.